Our family had just moved into a new house and my brother and I were just sitting in the living room complaining to our parents about how we thought we needed more decorations to put around the house. Something about it felt off putting. We were in our own house, but didn't exactly feel at home, so we started searching. The more we searched the more expensive the items seemed to have been getting. 

Now since we got the idea of where Lirishop came from, let us tell you a little bit more about ourselves. We're two brothers who grew up in a pretty traditional family and with very traditional ideologies. Growing up we were always taught to help out around the house, to do our part so we can deserve a spot at the dinner table. Our father was and still is a very hard working man so he isn't at home most of the time. Our mom on the other hand is always home and has always taken care of us and our house. In return for our parents doing as much as they can to provide for us and keep us safe and healthy, us kids always helped them with whatever they needed whether it was mowing the lawn, taking out the trash, or even going to help our dad at his job. Now we're all grown up and decided to move into a new house, but we all work and none of us have time to go and buy anything for the new house so it just feels empty all the time. 

Here at Lirishop we offer the best home decorations for the best prices. We decided that we can't be the only ones with this problem. It took us a while to come up with a solution, but here we are. Whenever you're having a hard time finding some decorations, you now have the perfect place to make it as easy as possible.

Whether you're looking for just regular items to put around your house or even decorations for special holidays. WE HAVE IT ALL!! So, Welcome to Lirishop and I hope that we're able to assist you in finding whatever it is that you're looking for.